Online Mock CBCI Exam Questions

70,00  + VAT

Prepare for the CBCI exam with these mock exam questions. Instant responses will tell you if you’ve passed or failed. You can pause or restart the mock exam at any time, and you can retake the mock exam as many times as you need.

What languages are the mock questions available in?

The mock questions are currently only available in English.

Is it the same test every attempt?

The mock questions contains a bank of 90 questions, and you will sit all 90 questions every time you attempt the exam. However, the order the questions appear in is randomised each time.

Will I be scored at the end of the test?

Yes, you will score a mark out of 90 each time you take the test. Please note that success in this mock exam is no guarantee of success in the CBCI exam.

Can I see which answers I got wrong?

At the end of the test, you will see the list of questions and if the answers were correct or incorrect. You will not be given the correct answers, candidates are encouraged to study the GPG to further their knowledge.

What happens after you have made payment?

Once you have made payment, we will register your purchase with the BCI, and they will send you a confirmation email with information on how to access the mock questions. Please note the BCI send a code within their email which allows you to access the mock questions – this code is only valid for a specific amount of time (an end date is stated within the email) before you will need to request a new one.

Please note that mock question access is not instant and the BCI’s email can take up to 72 hours to be sent out.

What is the cost of the mock questions?

The cost of this product (ex VAT) is £60.00 / €70.00 / $75.00.

Delegates in Saudi Arabia: If you are having issues accessing the mock questions, it may be because the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Culture and Information have blocked access to the BCI’s website. The BCI have not yet received a response regarding their request for the website to be unblocked. In the meantime, there is a way around the block: delegates based in Saudi Arabia have confirmed that they are able to access the BCI site at home when they are logged in via VPN, so please try this method and you should then be able to access all parts of the BCI’s website and their mock questions.

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